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(Funky) Personality

…You all have the same skills, its all about the personality, who wins, you really like the rocky road, i like it calm, its your work, its nothing to do with the personality, its all about the money, seek it. You all…

23.63 %

…day, rape some other place Someone fill this watering can Think I'm gonna suffocate Gotta think quick for a new business plan 'Cos I'm about to burst into flames If I feel like I'm spacing out I'll start chewing my…

22.60 %
Personal love
Piia Myyry

…the start, you play your games, it changes the life, you all like to be lazy, its your style, you get so more, its your personal love.…

20.24 %
Paper plane
Isac Elliot

…me Oh, I just had to let her go for now Just let her leave Now the road is long and she's far away Don't have a boat, no I can't go by train Ooh, baby I'm coming anyway I'll build a paper plane so I can fly over the…

19.14 %
Take me to your dealer

…don't have time to plan on a ten year program Man, you gotta change the way you are There's no other rescue You wanna fall apart or would you rather start all over when you know of a guy to turn to when you need some things…

19.11 %

…Lumen alta löytyy katkaistu virta Tänään ei hopeinen kuu luo merelle siltaa Sammalet peittävät, sammalet ympäröivät Painosta oksat taipuu pian latva katkeaa Reunalla -kaunis on maailma Reunalla -rohkeus on voimaa…

15.39 %
Your Finest Hour

…You really see that as a victory, don't you? In your finest hour you gonna wear your crown On the wreckage of your dreams <guitar solo> How could I not to dislike all this dirt going on around the world Don't you…

15.28 %

…Juon yksin aamu teen, sen huomaan jäähtyneen. Aika pakeni, juutuin menneeseen- Kun näin sun lähteneen, pian jäi tyhjilleen huone, talon sen suuren rakkauden. Kun silmät suljen, nään talon autioituneen, ikävän sinne…

14.68 %
Polje stepperii

…paljo ovel tunkuu et tuntuu ku ois Ikeas Tottakai se toimii myös näinki Et otat mukaan sun systerin ja äidin Ei yläikärajaa treenaukses oo Ja tää kuntosali on kunnon fitness pro Polje stepperii, po-polje stepperii…

14.00 %