I can't sleep without a drink next to me I need some variety for me at my worst I've a subconscious feeling that this might be the final sip Why do I have to drink this when everyone knows it's killing me? Gotta find me a substance that'll only harm the organs that are still in place They say, you gotta change the way you are There's no other rescue You wanna fall apart or would you rather go back to the start? You only see this thing as a one way street, hit the brakes or go full speed A brief retreat It'll give me some extra time to re-evaluate my life Why do you have to slag this before even seeing the score? Yeah I know it's a quick fix But I don't have time to plan on a ten year program Man, you gotta change the way you are There's no other rescue You wanna fall apart or would you rather start all over when you know of a guy to turn to when you need some things you won't find from the gas station? Just take me to your dealer Make sure it's something special for a soon to be professional For god's sakes, you gotta change the way you are There's no other rescue You wanna fall apart or would you rather go back to the start?
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