Search results for query: rider-pride-saskatchewan-roughriders-saskatchewan-canada-rough

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Lonely rider
Jukka Nousiainen

…sulle on reminder nyt niinkun aina ollut oon, lonely rider Tuli polttaa sielussain Kerosiinin katku keuhkoissain Nyt elän niinkuin vain mä voin Eessäpäin koittavan nään koin Vaik synnyin kulkemaan ei kotini oo highway…

48.35 %
Rough violence
Piia Myyry

…the days, police see nothing, they like to slip crimes, you come from metropolitan police, ' why the others see the real things, you beat women with your police friends, we all have left trom the city, because of rough

35.67 %

…- is waiting for the final day when he'll be released from the shackles of a slave In the eye of the storm he rides with jaded memories of his life as the fires are dancing colorfully, he is struggling to survive…

28.29 %
Ride On

…You got to me when I was alone You let me see I'm away from my home I can go on, go on for days If you stay by my side we will go all the way Oh when I walk through the mountains and rivers Load on my back I feel the…

23.49 %

kride sä oot ehkä hieman musta hajonnu halusin olla jäbä joka tunteit ei muille vaa näytä mut idiootti oisin jos pystyis turvautuu tai näyttää ku sä tutustuit muhun ja aloit puhuu punastuttiin ja tiesit heti et oon ihastunu…

22.62 %
20.77 %

…In time bleeding wounds will heal Unlike some which are too deep to see Like scars in a nomads soul Their mending is so slow Not the shout of a hundred enemies Can make him feel fear inside him But when sun sets and the…

20.57 %
Serpent Ride

…on this serpent ride In the grace of our love We writhe in pain Further into this solar fog Mesmerised A drop of her blood tastes like wine I answer her call with a rhyme That is not dead which can eternal lie Yet with…

19.98 %
Watching You Fall

…Priceless, you think you're flawless You'd sell your soul for the fortune and the fame Useless, you are so worthless A human stain that we need to wash away There is no price that you won't pay No part that you won't…

19.15 %