Search results for query: save the date template liverpool colors

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Pesso, The Watercolors

The Watercolors: Sut tahtoisin unohtaa vaan Kun ei oo mitään muutakaan Nyt mun pitäs muka unohtaa vaan Salaa(?) jotain parempaa Nyt mun pitäis muka unohtaa vaan Pesso: Joku päivä mä sen teen Mä kliputan sen toksisen…

62.19 %
The Beginning Of The End

…Your world is coming to its end but you don't have to be afraid I'm here for you Save your happiness for tomorrow and today we'll drown in your tears a drop of your blood tastes like wine today Come closer, my dear it…

29.39 %
The Kinslayer (Live)
28.06 %
Poetry For The Poets
Pete Parkkonen

The cure is worse Than the pain inside This is the morning after We live the morning after Save a soul, take a life There is more safety in numbness Save your breath from the world outside The cure is worse Than the pain inside This is the morning after We live the morning after…

26.79 %
Beginning Of The End

…Your world is coming to it's end But you don't have to be afraid - I'm here for you Save your happiness for tomorrow And today we'll drown in your tears A drop of your blood tastes like wine today Come closer my dear…

25.41 %
The Poet and the Pendulum

…of hell One last perfect verse Is still the same old song Oh Christ how I hate what I have become Take me home Getaway, runaway, fly away Lead me astray to dreamer's hideaway I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more…

25.36 %
Planet Hell

…cry neverending All life is to fear for life You fool, you wanderer You challenged the gods and lost Save yourself a penny for the ferryman Save yourself and let them suffer In hope In love This world ain't ready for The

24.83 %
The Kinslayer
22.71 %
Temple Of Love

…sweeping under Ground and over water sounds of Crying weeping will not save your Faith for bricks and dreams for mortar All your prayers must seem as nothing Ninety-six below the wave when Stone is dust and only air remains…

22.57 %