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Gets in the nerves
Piia Myyry

…, the other is in, the other is out, like cats, they need their own space, to stay in life. All the anger gets in the nerves, you live like it everything is too much, you like the bitter of it.…

53.98 %
Gets to personal
Piia Myyry

…, is gets to personal, you life your your own games. You all life your new wifes, they are all aquarium, they have their own lifes, they life for suffering, they blackmail, its their game, the court is all the time the place, there you want to see, your ex-spouses faces.…

52.14 %
Beating Gets Faster
Hanoi Rocks

…know me I know that you will always stand by me If I'm down in the hole Or out in the streets Nothing else matters baby If it's you and me I pick up my guitar and I start to sing About all the troubles that I've been…

47.43 %
You select who gets what
Piia Myyry

…You all want to see people, you are social, they like to fight, its starts to be boring to watch all the time, you all have the same life, they get along well, the sickness, is their game, you spread it like a diseace…

46.74 % gets rid of you
Piia Myyry

…, it all becomes from your beats, you all like it that way, you hate women, you beat them to the face, no-one gets rid of you, its all the time the same people, they just spy what you do.…

42.29 %

…Shadows of evening on a traveller's way Destiny tells where the strange path will lead you Alone I've been walking this path every day under the stars and the white silver moon I hear a song and I'm closing my eyes…

40.21 %
Ei sun tarvi hymyillä

…Älä mene pois Mun rakkauteni ei oo aurinkoisii päivii varten Ainoastaan, ainoastaan Älä mene pois Sun kyyneleesi tahdon, sun kipusi, sun pimeäsi, kaiken Jos vain saan, jos vain saan Ei sun tarvi hymyillä Ëi mun…

38.09 %
Sun katu

…, mutta toivon etten nää Valitsen mun reitit niin että mentäis ristiin En astu sun kotikadulle ollenkaan sen jätän rauhaan Joo, sun katu on sun mut loput kaupungista mun Kun eromme aiheutti valtataistelun mun mielessä…

35.62 %
ei sun tarvii

Sun päähän pitäs takoo järkee niin kauan et tajuat et ei tää oo se elämäntapa mitä sä haluat Se voi olla värikästä tai synkkää harmaat filmii filmit menee suoniin eikä jengi kato silmiin Sä ihannoit sitä mitä moni…

35.51 %