Search results for query: supermassive-black-hole-1st-image-of-sagittarius-a-at-the-center-of

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The black game
Piia Myyry

…You all like the rainbow lifes, i never knew they have a rainbow lifes, no wander there is no unity, you come and go, like you have no family of your own. You all have different life, as we expected, you like to peole…

71.60 %
Black Ninja
Battle Beast

…she is the one who brings us horror oh oh oh It's a life of a warrior who never comes out It's a song without music she's one of a kind She's a black ninja, ninja She's a black ninja It's a life of a warrior who never comes out It's a song without music she's one of a kind She's a black ninja, ninja She's a black ninja…

49.38 %
Black cats
Piia Myyry

…grouds of people, You all have a countryside lifes, the city like doesnt excite, you all have the same groups as young lifes, you all have morging sickness, you are all rondo, like they say it in spanish, when they…

48.68 %
Bill of black magic
Piia Myyry

…You all bet to people new sicknesses, you finance of the life, bill of black magic, you all play with patiences lifes, its just the salary and the fun, your love. You all come from the north, you like to concentrate…

47.74 %
Your women like black zone
Piia Myyry

…spanish sky, in the sunny days, everything happens, you cans predict it at all, its a new rambla life, there theys steel all you bags, enjoy of it, with their new girlfriends. Helsinki is even worse, they steal kidneys, and…

43.67 %
Kiss The Void

black hole This crazy feeling's screwing with my head I'm overloading and my gauges are red State of confusion's got a hold on me I feel a hesitation I'm being drugged, fallen out of the track Don't like the situation…

42.50 %
Enter The Metal World
Battle Beast

…Metal World of doom Into the hands of the machines Enter the Metal World of doom Beware the killer jaws of steel It's not the Black Moon that heard my lonely calls And turned my wish into a curse Someone I love lies…

41.70 %
Lady In Black

…She came to me one morning One lonely Sunday morning Her long hair flowing In the midwinter wind I know not how she found me For in darkness I was walking And destruction lay around me From a fight I could not win Ah ah…

41.59 %
The white sand beaches

…be your bunny hole day. My friends have become cheerleaders, they are interested,' o cute guys, and everything, which feeds them. its now a rainy evening, I stay home and think, of days in the spanish climat. Mornings were just fun, take a coffee, and lay under the sun. At the white sandbeaches, only wine bottles drinking.…

41.35 %
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