Search results for query: tinfoil unknown frame descriptor

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59.92 %
Here And Now

…to chance Time, stand still, freeze this frame No doubts, everything that counts is here and now So close, every fear fades, every scar disappears Maybe outside, skies are burning But here, I am safe, safe in your arms…

19.14 %
Night Games
Graham Bonnet

…It says in the rules It's strictly for the cools to play their night games They play for their night games Always play one last frame Games of the night Every room is a different scene Everyone has a different dream They…

12.88 %
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9.18 %

unknown soldier Lay the tools of the one who for us had died Tools of the carpenter The one they lick The same old sick Dream of their precious savior Kiss them deep And make them weep Over promises of eternal peace The…

9.00 %
Unsung Heroes

…Forgotten tomb hill Unnamed graves No light can reach there Memories fade away Only frozen soil And eternal wind Remember the sacrifice Of those who are now buried in time A Dauntless heart A Righteous mind No sign of…

8.28 %
Moottoreiden sinfonia
Rauli Badding Somerjoki
7.64 %
Keep On Galloping

…Keep on galloping my black horse carrying me to unknown shores through these outlandish woods and with confidence back home Lennä, laukkaa heposeni, lennä, laukkaa hallavaharja, kiiä halki kangasmaitten, murjo poikki…

7.62 %
The Carpenter

unknown soldier Lay the tools of the one who for us had died Tools of the carpenter The one they lick The same old sick Dream of their precious saviour Kiss them deep And make them weep Over promises of eternal peace The…

7.09 %