Search results for query: treatment-for-animal-bites

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…else you gonna change for somebody else you call me criminal treat like an animal you call me criminal treat like everyone I fought men got in a soldier's brain they got guns and killers without any name society ain't…

23.34 %
The Greatest Show On Earth

…of all We are one We are a universe Forbears of what will be Scions of the Devonian sea Aeons pass Writing the tale of us all A day-to-day new opening For the greatest show on Earth Ion channels welcoming the outside…

20.70 %
This Fortress Of Tears

…No one can hurt you now In this haven safe and sound No one can save you now From this grace you are drowning in Just hold your breath on your way down This fortress of tears I've built from my fears for you This…

20.41 %
Disgusted By The Light
Ghost Brigade

…They're gonna grill the truth out of you Compression for everyone It's not a miracle how you break Seeing the signs of declining No one is going to help you out It's like the breeding horses You told me how you've been…

18.60 %
Your own moods
Piia Myyry

…, and health care, seen to be a long queue, in the hospitals and social lifes, you must have done, it all yourself, new deceases and lines. You are between all the goods, the treatment is bad, you see it everewhere…

17.29 %
Two for Tragedy
16.89 %
0 tolerance for violance
Piia Myyry

…people to sit, and give you a dick, you still live like it, you like to be like friends, i just need a family, you like to life in your black gates, there is a zero toleranze for violance.…

16.49 %
Junkie For Your Love
Anna Abreu

…Do you miss me when you're lonely? Or is it wishful thinking in my head Cause I'm lonely for you only And I'm not quite done with us yet I'm dialing And I'm dialing But every time I hang up the phone refrain: I can't…

16.10 %
Master Passion Greed

…, never wrong More more more more more Master passion greed Master passion greed "Hello. How are you? Let me explain one thing. All for her and more for me Why is it so hard to see? I see no sense in doing this Not enough…

16.04 %