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sadness's death

…So how many deaths is it gonna take through your darkest days…

14.43 %
The Greatest Show On Earth

…1.) Four Point Six Archaean horizon The first sunrise On a pristine Gaea Opus perfectum Somewhere there, us sleeping 2.) Life The cosmic law of gravity Pulled the newborns around a fire A careless, cold infinity in…

13.76 %
Death Is In Love With Us

…it and I feel it Just as well as you do, honey It's not our fault if Death's in love with us, oh, oh It's not our fault if the Reaper holds our hearts Forty-one plus 66.6 equals our loss We're breathing only to fade away…

13.73 %
Raised By The Sword

…Oh, who is raised by the sword Can't be beaten Who is toughened by the fire Can't be burned Awaited by immortality Are the ones sacrificing their lives To blood, to victory, to the truth As ye saw, as shall ye reap We…

12.95 %
Liian maanantai
Emma Gun
12.05 %
Heathen Throne

…they're going to pay. Grant us your revenge, We are not afraid of death. Let none of them ever more, EVER MORE, Lay a hopeful gaze upon the sky! upon the sky! Under the Northern star We shed our blood. With the call of…

11.81 %
The Kinslayer
10.61 %
Se on
Per Saukko
10.55 %
The Kinslayer (Live)
10.45 %