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…Ranteissasi nauloja, rannekkeissa, hisassasi logo, rautainen risti hakasilla Pystytät sähköaidan, laidan vasemman ja oikean, muttet loistoa voi kokea Varjossa aidan olet sokea Rautainen nyrkki PANZERFAUST Nyrkkirauta…

15.25 %
Raw sporti

…lived, its your game, during the days. Raw sporti is for you like a globe, gives and takes, more than a talk, its all made for you, enjoy, you talk loud, like men, its all for you.…

13.49 %

…I like sport, you say, its not so hot, you really are so wrong, i see you play your game, with hotdogs, its all so cool, you have made new moves, i think it is quite nice, you have more spice. You are like angel in sport, its all of moves, you like shadow, its all different, after the noon, you have seen a new moon.…

12.85 %
Kerää luus
Olli Antonio

…Mun ämmä loistaa niinku mäkkärin logo Ja biitit hittaa niinku snägärin jonos Skippasin koulut ja vaa släkkäsin koton Nyt lähös lentoon niinku kääntäsin jopoo Me juostiin kaupungilla autojen katoil Ku vasta treenattiin…

12.41 %
time for sport
piia myyry

…with me, its tie us together in gym to see. I pley you some gilry music, its fun like las ketchups, yu see the band still. yu have achiveda lawsuit, your work is sport, soon you retire and have real fun. Yes, at this…

12.06 %

…viel eilisil kuteilla duvella sanotaa ovella jätä ferraris toho bebet chickit kiinni dikis siin o versacen logo horot flippaa ku tullaa skenee inee viemää pois teiän setelinne tilaa himaa pihaan limusiinin enkä muista…

11.91 %
You like sport
Piia Myyry

…long, you like sport, its other peoples neck, you through the stones. You really beat women at the age of 40. 'you are all young criminals, you even steel at the age of 20, you all come from big cities, you like to beat…

11.46 %
Nobody supports
Piia Myyry

…. You all call it game, beating people seldon i a childs game. You like to ove people with violance, they are lonely people, they do things alone, nobody supports their ways.…

10.77 %

…Vantaa Vantaa Kaupunki ilman identiteettiä Vantaa Vantaa Kun ei oo varaa asuu Helsingissä Vantaa Vantaa Kun kerrot asuvasi Vantaalla, ihmiset ovat hetken hiljaa Kaupungin uusi logo Paljonkohan upposi fyrkkaa Miks piti…

10.12 %