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Blind guardian sing in te was silence album
Blind guardian
23.22 %
Born This Way

…, babe" "So hold your head up, girl and you'll go far, Listen to me when I say" I'm beautiful in my way, 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way Don't hide yourself in regret, Just…

15.26 %
Last Night I Dreamed Of You

…Last night I dreamed of you Dream too perfect to be true Together in a place where blossoms grew And then I woke up next to you Last night I dreamed of you Inside my dream was love so new The sun was shining and the sky was blue And then I woke up next to you…

14.23 %
Lose You Tonight

…Don't run away I can't live without you Please stay And I'll learn to love you right I was waiting for you Waiting for all my life I've been crying for you Dying for you all this time I was waiting for you Waiting for…

13.30 %
Ou Lee
Remu Aaltonen

…I still remember you got my heart I told you that my pony was hot You took me to back behind the bar Gave a sneaky surprise And I say Ou You have to say Lee You took me to the maginary room My heart was beating to…

12.79 %
Café Avenue
Hanoi Rocks

…I was feeling hungry, I didn't have no money y' know But I was like you'd say "off the hook" and sometimes it hit me quite hard I started searching for what I don't know I suppose I started searching, searching for the…

11.63 %
High Hopes

…down the Causeway Do they still meet there by the cut There was a ragged band that followed in our footsteps Running before time took our dreams away Leaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the ground To…

11.11 %
After 300 days

…three hundred days you tell me I was right we loved each other all the time that we knew After three hundred days you tell me I was right you need me all the time and you always will I know I betrayed you I know I was a…

10.87 %
Always By My Side

…high, always by my side I was running, I was running in the dark Thought I'd find the way, but in the end was feeling lost And I was trying, I was trying way too hard Drifting far away and yet you never were too far…

10.54 %
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