Search results for query: what do you need for dragon talon

Song and Artist Hit-%
Its your small talk
Piia Myyry

…easily. You have no limits, you can do what you need, you are good in listening, your juss hear, what you want and need, you all go and come from work, its your small talk, 'you dont need to do much, your husbands take…

75.19 %
It makes you excited
Piia Myyry

…Money makes people happy, you dont need to feel bad, you can make your own, you like fysics, you do innovations, it fits for you, you write symphonies, that life is just for you. You know things, maybe it is on your…

72.33 %
Your love is invisible
Piia Myyry

…decide nothing, its all impulsive, the anger to people, you are sample for people, who use you, that is what you seem to need. You have your own connections, usually its work, and security, you do everything an your own…

70.65 %
Be like you be (metal)
Piia Myyry

…to have everythig to you, i ts easy take everything, even police dont stop you, its all what you need. You like to life so, all the others make work for you, you can be a boss over the years, it really fits your ego…

70.47 %
You have many works
Piia Myyry

…it. You really like your loving friends, they are good for you, but you do what you want, ' its in your own moods, we never seen like this, its not interesting, you love you lifestyle, its like from the states, we have seen the films.…

68.86 %
the life carries long
Piia Myyry

…I just need to see you, they want to seel all the energy from you, nothing is really left for me, they do it easily, they dont fight, but they have lunatics life. They do what ever suits them, I dont want to know, what

68.49 %
>You like an easy life
Piia Myyry

…own girlfriends, nice or not, they call themselves whiches, maybe they know, what they want. You all like to torture yourselves, I like my lion life, cultivate things, you spend money on nothing, I walk all the days, for

68.43 %
In love with you

…love for a lifetime, is based on what, can you name it, is it a harmony or the real action, is it the heat, or balance of bodies in the action, or is it all just the illusion, what kind ot love is meant for your body, or do i need to tease you with the money?…

67.24 %
you really like that game
Piia Myyry

…We all have studied everywhere, the days are different, 'it depends ot the energy,and the will, you have been using people, for your own needs, the other people raise your kids, that you get what you need. You all can…

67.19 %
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