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I have all life
Piia Myyry

…nothing, take it all, like usually women, you really like that game, the places are not hollywood style. I have all life, to do what i want, you want games, it is a mens game, i like more sensual games. You dont really need so much, food and somebody, to share your life. In different lifes, nothing is really, like helsinki life.…

70.46 %
you have no work
Piia Myyry

…You all have a kartell life, 'you really have a rude adtions, all life time, you prevent, life, wal, talk, you prevent my work, love or see the kids, you never do what i want, you play with your criminal friends, the…

58.27 %
All days
Piia Myyry

…. What a romantic lifestyle, clinical people have their own sky, even when they have childs, everything is just a burden to them, they are in their own zones, social life is something else. You just want services, you take them, even people are ashamed, dont understand rainbow people, they use humans, all days.…

53.32 %
I have no family
Piia Myyry

…peoples needs, you do what you want, you have money, its the same city walk here, every time. You all have the skills, studies abroad, you are keen on your women, you have them all, you are divorced 5 times, you like…

52.66 %
What kind of music is walch

…own, its just a crazy decidion, to breakyour own creation, all you have created to the earth, do you really have, a better life, with someone else. We all can change our masks, like in an italian party, to have more…

51.39 %
All the crocs
Piia Myyry

…, 'its all the same game, black or white, you just name it. You all like your teenage part, play something else, have the different faces, when you dont get it, what you want, you have a strong style, to make it all.…

48.16 %
The kids who have nothing

…cities lifestyle, I dont know what you have to give, its just a poor lifestyle, to give a child nothing, just a life. They life their lives like Nannys, its what you do to earn your living. I have tried to go forward…

47.80 %
You have your cristal ball
Piia Myyry

…, and their faces, you do it with medicine, and recipies, you like to beat them to the invalides, so that they dont have sex, you are criminal, with your psykiatric rounds, its all the time same violance, during the sex…

47.01 %
Crystal balls
Piia Myyry

…zone, you like the red lights districts, you came and go and seek new lift, that what you need. Your marriage is not what you want, you see your friends, go to work, you entertain yourself with your new friends, you all have crystal balls, through that you do violence.…

46.94 %