Search results for query: what-kind-of-effect-does-this-writing-style-have-on-you

Song and Artist Hit-%
What kind of music is walch

…colder of full path, but does it change anything, of you, is it easier alone to move. Then comes the emptyness, if you like it, everything is fine, otherwise its all the same beat, like if, your head is like a broken glass, it doesnt matter, what kind of music, is the walch.…

100.00 %

…? Do you think baby and marriage make me forget it all? Do you think that kind of stat is healthy and carries far? How far you want to push me, what do you want me to say. I want to see you naked. Nobody on the sheets…

82.46 %
X effect
Piia MyyryYou

…like in alisa in wonderland, she is my cousin, likes every kind of fun. She lives in metropolitan city, 'for me it hasnt been so easy. Men pay everything, you just need to tease them a bit, they are so jealouse, in sofas they sit, all days, it must be fun in that house. you like this x-effect, for you it is just a game.…

77.46 %
You like that kind of life
Piia Myyry

of it the living. You all have your own criminal profils, its raw, eben your dad has a good work, in health care, you like that life, you look sad and tired, you have violent surroundings, you like that kind of life, you spread the sickness all over, you work in medicine, its your life.…

74.92 %
human kind of fundamentalism
piia myyry

…Did you know, hoe you hurt me. Does it make everything later easier? Do you think, that I forget. Do you think, time softens the rooms of your brain. Do you think, i forgive you think baby and all the staff…

69.15 %
You blackmale people of sex
Piia Myyry

You have the life like schoolbook, this is a new thing, like in harry potter rooms, you dont know, what happens next, you have the room for new kind of violance. You have the attantion, of your show, who really wants…

67.35 %
No loving style
Piia Myyry

…laugh on your face, all the people need it, they have to eat and benefit from it. You like your own style, you risk everything, you are bound to your own needs, you really like your own gods, it´s money for you, you have no loving style.…

67.11 %
You never change your things
Piia Myyry

…between the good things, you never change your things, you have the same group of people, they take the distance with anger,. thats what you need. You all want to stay around, living like this like countryside, you all…

67.07 %
This world is tired of hate, vihaan kyllästynyt
Haloo Helsinki!

…. What life will bring, it will bring it to me. Opportunity of error brings contents of humanity. We are same ashes, same light air, so, peace now, this world is tired of hate. It is the same you believing to kismet or…

62.92 %
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