Search results for query: what-kind-of-small-business-grants-are-available

Song and Artist Hit-%
Its your small talk
Piia Myyry

…You all have the similar lifes, you are not special protected, of the money, or lead other kind of life, you like the german kind of lifestyle, for you it is something special, the other people like soft life, all goes…

79.70 %
What kind of music is walch

…colder of full path, but does it change anything, of you, is it easier alone to move. Then comes the emptyness, if you like it, everything is fine, otherwise its all the same beat, like if, your head is like a broken glass, it doesnt matter, what kind of music, is the walch.…

56.74 %
human kind of fundamentalism
piia myyry

…makes me forget it all. Do you think that kind of start is healthy? How far you want to push, do you want me something to say? I still want o see you naked, nobody of the sweet packings make me to scheer up, everybody who…

48.57 %
You are too aggressive
Piia Myyry

…You all want to show your power, you take it with violance, you have killed the girls in their rooms, you are too aggressive, all your lifes, you all do what you want, you follow the women, who are not your girlfriends…

38.77 %
You are just in love
Piia Myyry

…You and your lover, have the same cover, you all want to tease people, you are just in love, with your own things, you all have lived around the land, you all have the same kind of fun. You like the easygoing life…

36.94 %
They are not my kind
Piia Myyry

…, you do nothng, exept the work. You all have your freedom to talk, nowadays its easy, you just need to jump to bus, and have a nre walk, just wolfs like to jump in your home, you get irritated of their talks. You…

36.07 %
You like that kind of life
Piia Myyry

of it the living. You all have your own criminal profils, its raw, eben your dad has a good work, in health care, you like that life, you look sad and tired, you have violent surroundings, you like that kind of life, you spread the sickness all over, you work in medicine, its your life.…

35.99 %

…? Do you think baby and marriage make me forget it all? Do you think that kind of stat is healthy and carries far? How far you want to push me, what do you want me to say. I want to see you naked. Nobody on the sheets…

35.79 %

…to Havin' it all again with you All of my days All of my days are turning blue All of my days I wait and wonder Dishonesty You every word eats up a small part of me I know your game and I just can't get enough I don't…

35.46 %
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