Search results for query: zoe grace quaid

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Bare Grace Misery
58.86 %
Coupe de Grace
Nikke Ankara

…kotosammin ku on tätä kokoo pallit, sun naises fonogrammi on ku meikän hologrammi, mä en voi tota vitun mulkkuu ymmärtää, joku tossu, koko vihas tuntuu hyvältä. Tää ei oo mikää Tour de France, tää on Coupe de Grace

58.17 %
Grace Kelly feat. Keko Salata

…En oo, pitkään aikaan tajunnu kuka mää oon Shalalalaaa Mä teen tän biisin vaan mun sielunkumppanille joka on Grace Kelly Mä kävin läpi saman sairaan pelin Mis yritetää muuttaa ihmisestä jotai mitä se ei oo Sen jo…

50.21 %
Turn Loose the Mermaids

…warmed your toes In the horizon I see them coming for you The mermaid grace, the forever call Beauty in spyglass on an old man's porch The mermaids you turned loose brought back your tears At the end of the river the…

15.85 %

…There was a time When I could breathe my life in you One by one Your pale fingers started to move And I touched your face And all life was erased You smiled like an angel (Fallen from grace) We've been slaves to this…

12.62 %
Kaiho de Gracé
8.65 %
This Fortress Of Tears

…No one can hurt you now In this haven safe and sound No one can save you now From this grace you are drowning in Just hold your breath on your way down This fortress of tears I've built from my fears for you This…

8.04 %
Serpent Ride

…on this serpent ride In the grace of our love We writhe in pain Further into this solar fog Mesmerised A drop of her blood tastes like wine I answer her call with a rhyme That is not dead which can eternal lie Yet with…

7.78 %
For You

…In the grace of your love I writhe in pain In 666 ways I love you and I hope you feel the same I'm for you I'm for you I'm killing myself for your love and again all is lost In 777 ways I love you 'til my death do us…

7.73 %