Based On You

Ghost Brigade

Crawling ditches Searching for early days Look at this world It says clearly not for you

It's not for pretty eyes You gonna take it It's pointing straight at you

How alone you must be That you can't really feel Hopes of freedom you can't get out of head, you In this day lay standing in a crowd Screaming, screaming

Reading wishes about lies, diseases It's making me feel sick and poor 'Coz you gotta go, you gotta move You gotta have lot of goals Don't you ever lose this

How alone you must be That you can't really feel Hopes of freedom you can't get out of head, you In this day lay standing in a crowd Screaming, screaming

The wishes won't go any further How alone you must be That you can't really feel Hopes of freedom you can't get out of head, you In this day lay standing in a crowd Screaming, screaming

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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