Do you remember still the night When you left me cryin Do you know that you broke my heart When you left me cryin Cause you were my only one Yeah-eah, my only one Oh-oh, my only one Please, come back to me
Do you know what you've done to me When you hurt me so All the time i still dream of you 'Cause you've got my love 'Cause you were my only one Yeah-eah, my only one Oh-oh, my only one Please, back to me
'Cause you were my only one Yeah-eah, my only one Oh-oh, my only one Please, to back to me
Do you know what you've done to me When you hurt me so All the time i still dream of you 'Cause you got my love 'Cause you were my only one Yeah-eah, my only one Oh-oh, my only one Please, come back to me
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