Stamp on the ground


Stamp on the ground Jump, jump, jump, jump Moving all around Tep tep da dow Stamp on the ground Jump, jump, jump, jump Moving all around We're jumping all around Jumping all around Drop the beat Jumping all around We're sending out an invitation To everyone in every nation But don't sleep get on the run Stop thinkin' and have some fun! Stamp on the ground Jump, jump, jump, jump Moving all around Tep tep da dow Stamp on the ground Jump, jump, jump, jump Moving all around We're jumping all around Stamp on the ground Jump, jump, jump, jump Moving all around Tep tep da dow Stamp on the ground Jump, jump, jump, jump Moving all around We're jumping all around Drop the beat So come and join our love foundation Go feel the heat, the sweet vibration 'Cause we are about to ignite And we wanna go out tonight Stamp on the ground Jump, jump, jump, jump Moving all around Tep tep da dow Stamp on the ground Jump, jump, jump, jump Moving all around Jumping all around Jumping all around Drop the beat Jumping all around

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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