A global world


I just want to stay at home, its cold outside, its not a summer, no more. You have a work, of which, you can take a distance, to the warmer levels, why are you still staying home, in european levels?

At the moment, I can work where ever I want. It doesnt matter, where I stay in Scandinavia, or Latin-America, I just want to stay there, where it is a easier weather. I just want to stay at you side, where I have even something, I need.

At the high school years, I wanted to get to states, but all my friends wanted to Scandinavia to stay. I didnt want to go alone, the girls, where just with their new boyfriends, all day long.

It was an era, where everybody had a lot of energy, now they all are somewhere in Europe, in Sweden mostly, and have been travelling a lot.

I just want a good work, I am prepared to travel, I like it a lot. All the good works just go to the men, I have to fight for almost everything.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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