A life like a fairytail (joululevy, 2)


I am your christmas princess, during the winter like the angel kisses, I am like a snowstorm, bringing sudden love, and crazy french kiss. I can be your christmas doll, give me a candy stick, and glühwine, I just want more.

I just wait for you to tease me, I wear red, since it is a xmas season. i am your xmas angel, you just need to want more, I can give it to you.

During the white season, its all bright and light, it you just want to have it so, I am your xmas pony, take me to your F1 garage, and feed me from now on, after all the winter time, its our time to have some fun.

I just want to enjoy of all the xmas fun, its all so glory and white night time, under the northers sky, we can see all the xmas lights. You look like an angel with your xmad clothes, its our new collection, you can do it like xmas day.

I give everything to you, want to feel all the humanity of female sex, you are my xmas doll, I just want to be with you, you give me a peace and harmony, with your candy stick, you can create a life like a fairytail.

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