We are having a xmas dinner, the atmosphere is warm and you wear glitter, shining like a xmas tree, I pour you some more wine, to have more pretty face, and have time to eat.
Your friends come to see us on the Xmas day, they all are like from the CUCCI-pages, wearing the deluxe outfits, shining like a moonlight on the dark days.
During the evenings, they show their real faces, its not always any Daisy -space. The outfit is like a shadow of the glory days, I just wonder are there really the colden angel face.
The life has cut their angel wings, there is no place anymore to use all their skills. They have changed during the years, there is no innocence left, like we all know it for real.
They all shine like the stars, in the countries very far, its like a stardust to see, it is just hard you to dust for real, you are just a criminal of love, so tender, you cant find it often, its like a unique star.
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