I never seen such a raw crowd, they beat people at their homes, and change their lifes, it all goes to worse, its their purpose to be mean, in every doors.
You really want to fuck with violance, its like in the movies, you really want them to suffer, its like in sadistic movies, you want to surrender them, to control their ways.
You really do crimes all day long, beating women like a crazy is really a legal zone, you arrange crimes around the land, you really follow, other peoples life, and have some criminal fun.
We have never seen such a life, academic people can decide anything, it really is a lunatics sky, you attack people during the sex, i never seen such a sadistic speks.
Its like an army attack, war is going, at peoples lifes, with your friends, you really enjoy violance, its like pulp fiction, big blow to other peoples lives.
You seen to like white collar crimes, its really an other seen, crazy life, For you everybody is a victim, you choose them your self, and arrange another crime scheen.
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