Its all about you and your moods, you really do nothing, you are between everything, 'you and your girlfriends, do the same allt the time, so the days go by, like old time, you just wait for the evening, so you can compensate, your losses at personal lifes, in beds, you like that thing.
You all have taken all your money, of peoples lifes, they pay your violence, you cause it all your self, you are observing everything, all the time, drinking coffee, arrangeing new scheens, its doesnt matter, who gets what, you spend you time with your needs.
You all like tosee nice things, 'you like to sit with your wife, you like compulsary romance, with violance, you control everything, you get money of it, at work, you are working in the heath, sectors, its almost more mean, that in some other scheen.
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