Classical nights

Piia Myyry

Uno you say, you come from italy, you play, you have your new carderob, its like milano style, all girls in catwalk, know what they what, its a classy life, armani and other famous guys, you love your life, classical nights, in st. patrics clubing life, its a italian style like ibiza lights, you have new cars, its ferrari, all life.

You have a new valentino scarf, you have hade it for bday, its your, you shine, you all all gloriour, all life, you come from milano jet sets, its your penthouses obove the rome, you have good parties, like old time, when armani died.

You all have your new roses, in your clothes, it shines like their new faces, its like a passionate, with an italian lifes, catolic and passion, in clubs, near the squares, you havens never seen it, from the big cities, people come to see it.

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