Enjoy of the moments (metal)

Piia Myyry

Your castles and ex-wifes, who already have had their ownn lifes, ´ you take them to the church anyway, even they have been already married, you like theri old lifes, so you can hold their hand over the times, get bored, oftheir lifes, its not your life, you like unity, its not marriage with bindes of loving lies, you dont need symphaty, otherwise you would seek, somethng sweet.

You all have been in churhes, you are busy of getting married, 'you dont like the hunting or wildlife, its all for you, the romance and stability, stabil life, otherwise you get upset, you cant bare anything, you need to control everything. Its about the history, to your mind they feed anything, you have no family, but you really didnt need it, its just feelings you want to like, enjoy of the moments, which really are not so giving.

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