Everything is close

Piia Myyry

Its like in Monaco, everything is close, and the view is ashtonishing, you never have seen it, you thing other peoples have not lived, you like to see pretty things, 'you have made your own barbi world, now you are rich.

You all have like a human beings, you all have good works, you all have been bearting people, the warm of holding hands and company, it what you need, your romance, is making people to cry, 'its nice for you, you like to make bad feelings, you feed your medicine friends, beat your ex girlfriends, no-one gets rid of you.

You dont keep company, everything is just for you, you are narsist or psykopatic, 'depends on days, still you live like it, its all in crime records, you role your own lifes, in the gates, there is the rules, everywhere, whether you like it or not, then you can do more crimes, you just enjoy of it.

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