You like to work as a reporter, you like people, interview them, you like gloriious life, and peoples live, you all like to live your own rules, you work in the same rooms.
You all like to spend time with the passion, the life is the same, there is no haup couture fashion, you all like to spend time in peoples rooms, you like to pplay with peoples health, like they were in your rooms.
You all think you can do it all, you all make your own decidions, best people from the group A, you are all fired from the work, you all do such a crimes, we havent seen, at all. You beat people cance, roll your kartell still nowadays.
You love your sadomasokistic lovelifes, you beat the peoples with your wifes, you call it, grouphug, you all do the same work, you are aa divorced, and jealouse, you have always been lazy, the other people do your work, you just take all the money.
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