Having a certain lifestyle

Piia Myyry

Yo, you like to bailar, you have it all, you have enjoy the time, you have a cute guys, they stay on the beach, all nights, and play guitar.

You like fun life, its not for you you look like portuguees, they have ocean lifes, its fun on beach, you have all the summers, el soleil, ' in your lifes.you all like it all, life makes you soft, you all have all new guys, you all have had your youth, you are like a new generations, you have new lifes.

You all have an new buildings, the beachlifes, restaurants in your houses, its like a sailing life, you like the sea, you cant have another kind of lifes.

You all have your loves, with other childs, you have all your kids, they take your time, you like to be with them, you like like that, to life, you are like Shakira, guitar gets all your tears.

You have no fears, its easy to hide it behind the barriers, otf your soul,, your dont like to be emotional, you thinks it is for the kids, its their life, they are like no adult, having certain lifestyle.

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