Hooter houses all the life, you seek a better lives, you all have sufferes over the days, you seek nothing new, you stay there, since you have your posts, like old days, you dont like to move, you run to the boats like old days, 'new you have new problems, to see their faces.
You spend time at home, and like the game, you yeall at people, they really think you are already insane, but for you its nice time, over the days. you lie yous soft loves, they give nothing, but they are fun at your house, so you spend your time.
You all want to be the pain in their asses, you just dont get rid of it, its what you need, you play with peoples lifes, its your agrar lifes, so you have always wanted to play.
You must have a similar lifestyle, all is your, suddenly you see the opportunity to do, what you love, you like all your lovenights, its not your child, but you have payed of it all your lifes. Its your neighbour girl, you just love to see her, without the panties, now its something new, chinos are just in.
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