I am already 40

Piia Myyry

You watch over people worklife, its their office, all the time, there where you have your life, is shelter for your life, there is now a school time, everything is quiet, they read all the time.

You have made no school, everything is quided for you, you just need to take time, buy some houses, you like the new bargains, you have the energy all the days, you control everybody, i dont want to see their face, you really keep going the same way, you have been informed to police, almost every day.

I dont know, whet you really do, I have been making music, its summer time coming, I have seen the weather forecast, in the news, you like the summer time, spending time on the beach, over the nights.

They can stay up in the evenings, with their wifes, they have candle light dinners, almost every eve, you just want to have your lifes, you are really a control freek, the talk in like in a elderly home, i dont really miss it, I am already 40.

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