In black fields

Piia Myyry

All the same guys from Carelia, run their business in black fields, beat the people to the hospitals, to new rounds, you like your pounds, they all come from violance, you beat the kids and their moms, everyday, with your psychiatric friends.

We dont talk the same languages, we are different ages, you life ok of your own, 'you are too jealouse, where you come, its easier to spent time alone, with your own feelings.

Nothing incommon, so they say, you have seen their face, they dont like you and your games, thay make compulsory violance, to get layed, they want to humiliate people in courts, for them it is just the same games, over the years.

You play of what they have, their profession attracts you, you have a new illegal phenomenon, so you all have to work, as long as it is legal, you have shut your own doors,

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