You never seem to see the world, you all play with violance, when they score, they beat their own childs, their new wife, 'ex spouses, neighbourg, to be jealouse all life, simple liefe is ion third parts, 'you come to see you kil when it feels, like it, all the time you seek it, its your life, this goies to these people, who havent seen the raw side.
You wake up and want to beat, your neighbours and childs, you seem to be good-, but you really what y-ou do, in hospitals you kill and weaken, then people have wooms, you really take good care of humans, you arrange new naval injuries, it feeds you ego, everyday you want to see, injuries, you life of it.
You all are good in what you do, need for speed, in hospital rooms, goal is just the grave, so you all play, it doesnt hit you, you are all up for that, that really feeds you.
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