I love your look, 'you have it all, you tease your girls, like they are the toys, you really seek for a new romance, its, I guess for you just new game, so you spent your days.
You have been in same works for years, its easy for you, you know the people, its all the same game, love yourself, is the only game.
You all have your toys, I have just not so much, latinos have it all, even life is rough.
You all want to see people the same way, they come different lifes, you see the people at the same way. You all have time for your work, all day, you like to be there, so you spend your days.
You like the archipelago life, it gives nothing for you, but you just keep company, all your life, it is really nothing ot take, you can just be a full, all the days.
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