You all lifelike old times, It's something new, I haven't seen that life, you all have the same childhood girlfriends, you like the even these days, they all are married, but they have the same friends, you never know who loves who, it's just a theatre, during life, it depends who you protect, you all have the same life, forever.
You all have the same kind of life, you like to see your friends suffer, it's your new game like jealousy, over the days, I hear your lies, but its all right, I don't have the time now, I have never seen such a brutal time.
You all live the cold life so is the clinical world, you really don't care about life, all its for you, they run after money, nothing really is any friend game, you have academic days, its all libraries, and some negotiations, so your life is, you have your love game, it's easy.
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