Its just fun for you

Piia Myyry

Its all the time the same north, here you came and beat your own dogs, its just fun for you, you have had the same rooms, all your life, the women look the same, you like to spend the time, with your family games, its the same rainbow over the years, you make every kind of crimes, during the years.

You all make the same games, you beat peoples friends, you go to write, your papers to the court, its all the time the same, like in some big cities, you are just between everything, and get illegal money of everything.

You are always criminal where you go, 'you sent them to the wrong places, over and over again, you arnd you friends are calm, and relaxed, they get irritated of the happy faces, they are jealouse of everything, you never have been good, to families or people, you are a rainbow kid with, your own friends.

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