Jealouse they say

Piia Myyry

You have divorced years after years, its always the same play, you life through other peoples families, you beat the little kids to the hospitals, its really nothing, nothing is really sacred, just when you studied medicine, you can just do anything.

You follow peoples work at home, from your windows, you get pissed and start beating, its your thing, you tell that people are jealouse, you must have married an aquarium, since it all is peoples living.

You have no hobbies, you want to do nothing, except to ease your pain in the head by going abound the city, or your home, starts to be like in church, during new years eve.

You have to figuer out, how it works, you seem to now nothing, still it all goes on, you really like your gateliving, its for every kind of people, you dont know, who is tagging there in the evenigs, these people are violent all day long, they feds their spouses with pain, jealouse they say, but do nothing.

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