Keep mood happy

Piia Myyry

You like to see them to beat people, they can do the colden cuts, its this holistic thing, its really good for a human, like carbuilding, everything looks some human.

You all have something else to do, its labour day in helsinki, you have your new moves, 'you like like there si no other people, you have seen too many faces, you dont care, with the local people, you spend the days.

You all have the same days, you yeall to the peolple, you study nothing, it must be in your brains, something is blocking the intelligence, or you are just lazy.

I have to do many things, i like to spend the days, on my own things, they life from other peoples needs, its totally like in schools, you just need to look pretty.

I do this music now, its not the only love, i have time for something else, 'they dont like shopping, its my thing, you wacht the wall street every day, the money is your thing, you are reasonable, these guys run after different needs.

Its cheep living in southern spaces, everything costs, since its northern territories, you like to life in north, its heavy, but fits for you. They are not happy with anything, its just importent to keep mood happy, there is again some happy thinggy, going inthe evenings.

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