Keep them healthy

Piia Myyry

You all have the same fun, eating all the time, you dont do nothing, except run around the house, play football and talk to the friends, you all sit there and eat, you do nothing yourself, you like to get everything, you have the 3td marriage, you run after dick its easter, gourmee meal, every day.

You all gp to court, its so illegal, i havent never seen before, you like to be between everything, you thing it is in finland legal, you have your giant masterplan, you really want it all.

You really dont see the goal, everybody has their own rooms, you have no limits, you want to see more corruption and bad living, you work on state hospitals, its your own practice everyday, you just teach and teach,with the peoples bodies, you are not willing to, keep them healthy, even the other people, work their homes.

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