Like monks in churces

Piia Myyry

You say i am a eye of the god, like the cardinal for a lifetime, you get the power of your own life, they try so steel the passion, they have different style, you get something to your inner space, are you sure, its you place, people have everykind of skills, you dont know, maybe those are not teached, you have been good at schools, but they have skills.

You like to be in your own rooms, you have some fights of your old lifes, you all have the two wives, you all follow your old lifes, they have money you know it, its easies the life, you have the same land, you never wanted to see the world.

They are morning girls, they like to go to coffee, see in the evenings at home, you have become a crime flash, for you everything is easy, you just need to see it, like monks in churces.

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