Need a wife

Piia Myyry

I just moved to spain to take my own space, I wanted to write songs, but all doesnt go like you want, all my things were stolen, I had no place to stay, I had to work during nights on my own.

It wasnt really easy, the sun made everything easy, you think you have seen it all, you just wont everything, and more, laying at the beach, wanting to live different way, to stay strong, after all, you dont miss me at all.

You and your live, like a child, in somebody elses lives, makes everything easy, everything is done for you. You just want to tease me. But its all ok, I have my own life, degree, I can do all I want, even it doesnt come easy.

I just wanted to see how you life, you have many lifes, there you have always been, it doenst carry far for me, you havent never need to be poor, all has been so easy. Moving after the life, Its easy under eurepean sky, where all my friends are, they all need a wife.

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