Not easy to consentrate


Its not easy to consentrate, to my own things, people talk all the time around, just to spend their own time. Itn not easy really to consentrate, on anything, they are just nagging to each other, and have fun of it.

The women and men, in Nordic coutries, have an easy life, this is not the states, where you have to survive, also other places than at the beach. you need to have every kind of insurances, to gain the basic theatment, in the society.

I sit here, and read political news, I just dont have anybody ot talk about it, they talk about sport and women, indeed, not of work, just everything neet. Think, who you marry, or stay with, its all the time the same fun, you really have to need it.

These people do the same, all the day, you really have to need it, they dont really think anything else, that who they feed, today.

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