Piia Myyry

You and your dick, are in focus, all day long, i heard its 25 inches, or sentimeters, so you self say it, with it you can satisfy womens need, it always comes on need, you are not romantic, all love is on the O, for you it is just a core, or your life, you dont want more.

You are really mean to the women, you like people who are what you need, you can have what you need, I dont fight with you, its all about your and cristinas needs, who has your kid at Oviendo, I am not your nurse, or friend, those are not my needs.

You really waste my time, they kill the fetuses, in their heath gates, so thay you dont get, what you need, you do it over and over again, you humiliate people, slap to their faces, so you get the o and leave their doors.

You invite the women to your hotel rooms, you do what you please, they you come home to eat, you pley with your aids friends, you know what people think, must be something incommon, you cant leave, even if you really need it.

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