Sorrow is smaller (Heavy)

Piia Myyry

You came and took everything, you play the game, whick it illegal, you like you family, you had the childs, then you were young, you please everybody, you have really nothing, of your own, you sit in bars, running your new business, you have taken everything, from the authorities, after criminal years, you like it teh sorrow is smaller, you know the thing.

You like the girls who are easy, you give it gladly to ease the lonelyness, and rainbow field, you love the sex, and snake things, you love your ex, no matter they do what they want, its easy, you all want to play your field, you are uneducated, you dont like the scheen, you like to do your own things.

You are wise in your life, but you have the criminal side, you like the life, the like to measure life, its their life, you have the better life, you got it violance style, you beat humans, all the time, you have studied medicene, you have a licence to everything. You are not in the ministery field, you are out of everything, it must be your personal skill, which prevent you moving.

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