I just like the atmosphere in big stages, I have learned to life alone, but my work takes all the spiritual spaces, my friends have the easy work.
They dont really care, its really not anything special, they do it, because of money, not because of any other thing, than to pay their bills.
They are like little kids, they dont know much, but they survive just in this, who is the one who really thinks, of which to pay, or of which to risk.
I just want to consentrate to me,and myself, I have had a good challenges, which I have given away. Just to stay here with my friends, I have been too binded to this life, just to leave.
It is not that I am not out-going, I just wanted to go with the family, to have some change, after a good work, anyway.
My friends dont want to see the world, they just sit at their home, and go to the same work. They just really dont care, about their families, it is just good, if somebody else sees them.
I dont know, how it is like, I have strong bindings to relatives, they help, if you just need it.
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