the drive-drones


Its for you a sunday, the race day, when you have to focus to a game. Its really your work, and well-payed, for us it is just a show day, time to support you, time have a drink, and have a game night, it depends, when the competition is shown.

We like the atmosphere and see the faces, there is always a lot of groud, along the tracks to see the cars, and drivers places. They just see you for few seconds, they have came to support you, you are their idol, they want a piece of you.

You are their drive-drone, of old times words, you are the warriors, it reminds me of the roman times, it was quite rough, even during those ages.

There is only 21 of these drones, it is really a high class place, also for competitors, you want to admit it or not, they compete of the wins, it measures their own skills. Otherwise it is just marketing, you go to see cars and engines in it.

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