I just try to finnish my work, I do everything of my own, there is not anybody to tell me what to do, they dont want to spend their time to each other, they take distance, they just talk all day long, its for them enough.
I have just been here is a one room, its not much to give, but at least i have a place to be, at the moment, I am writing songs, its my work, my friends sit instead at public offices.
we have the different timetables, for sure, I dont see my friends in my city, they dont work there anymore, their houses are out of the city, they go by car to the work.
I just walk along the river every day, its nice road to the city, but the winter here is a really pitty, you dont want to stay out for a long time, there is either nothing to do, to the people of our age, its just teens place to stay.
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