The pretty face


I just sit here and write, it is a boring task, but i do it, only because of me. Music is a good business, express your motions to the world, and move on.

WIthout music there is no beat, no happy evernings or the rhythm, the body to feed. We all have a eye for a beauty, in Paris, you just get crazy, of all the glory.

I have seen wonderful places, not in states but in european places. I defenately like the big cities, there is a differnet atmosphere, people have more their own places.

I have seen the mediterranean faces, they all are adult, in early ages. I just like business surroundings, its fun there, like in Paris catwalk palaces.

The girls are just beautiful in all places, the style is just different, but they have still pretty faces. They all have a better world, in central european places, but the most cities are just the same, you can choose any of them to stay.

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