The rights


Are you sexually frustrated, you are an athlete, you must have a lot of energy, its good, i like it, I am also strong in bed, I can do it every day.

Fuck me, during the nights, I just want the magic time, for sure, fuck me, you want to live dangerously, I can loose my heart, in these games.

You just want a shelter, and a warm place to stay, we drink now same beverages, all recover from the older ages.

You just life a split life, you can just to go to woman, to say,hey, so that you dont need to stay, to see the hole consept, how it is rolled every day.

the some people, just dont stand the every day life, they take a distance of the family, to have some air, under their own wings, so it is lifghter to run away.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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