The rumours


I have been sitting here for ages, I write lyrics, and see all the faces. They are very talkative humans, I dont know, if its real or just all rumours.

I have been packing all my stuff, I have a ticket to the new place, of my territory to fight. Its all the big game, you have to enjoy it, otherwise you fade.

Its all about the survival, you either choose to lead, or to step a way like to funerals. They all want your passion, if it gets too rough, you always have an option.

The humans can be followed of all the newspapers. Its now quick, you really dont have space for mistakes. Do you want to have it all? Do you really know, how to score.

It is all family matters, you can just name the game, there is not for all, all the same space.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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